27 deaths and 40 new COVID-19 cases – Royston Drakes Production
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27 deaths and 40 new COVID-19 cases

5 years ago

Region 4 accounts for 35% of the new COVID-19 cases recorded by the Ministry of Health. According to the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 dashboard, the country’s total confirmed cases has increased by 40.

Region 4 four leads with 14 new cases followed by Region 1 and 9 with eight new cases while region 6 has moved from having one case to now 6 news cases. Region 7 recorded 2 new cases while Regions 3 and 8 have 1 new case each. No new cases have been recorded for Regions 2, 5, and 10.

Guyana to date has recorded 776 positive COVID-19 cases. There is a total of 381 recoveries. Sixty-eight (68) persons are in institutional isolation while 298 persons are in home isolation. Deaths have climbed to 27, the latest victim being a 72-year-old.

Globally there is in excess of 21 million COVID-19 cases and more than 775,000 deaths. In South America, Brazil accounts for 3.3 million cases and some 108,000 deaths.



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