18 new COVID-19 cases recorded but recoveries have jumped to 306  – Royston Drakes Production
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18 new COVID-19 cases recorded but recoveries have jumped to 306 

5 years ago

The Ministry of Health today reported that during the period August 10-14, 59 new COVID-19 cases were recorded. The cases according to Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, the Country’s Chief Medical Officer said the cases are from Region 4, 7,9 and 10.

He also said that 306 persons have recovered based on the new guidelines released by the World Health Organistion.

The WHO in a Publication in June said patients with symptoms for two days can be discharged from isolation 13 days after the onset of symptoms, patients with symptoms for 4 days can be discharged 17 days after onset of symptoms and a patient with symptoms for 30 days can be discharged after 33 days.

According to the WHO despite positive test results, these patients are not likely to be infectious and therefore are unlikely to be able to transmit the virus to another person. As such Countries may choose to continue to use testing as part of the release criteria.  If so, the initial recommendation of two negative PCR tests at least 24 hours apart can be used.

Yesterday, there was total of 420 active COVID-19 cases, today based on the Guidelines of the WHO there are 104 active cases.

Seventy-three persons are in institutional quarantine and 6 persons are in the COVID-19 ICU, the remainder are in approved home isolation.



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