Manufacturing Associating urging businesses to cooperate with food and drug regulations – Royston Drakes Production
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Manufacturing Associating urging businesses to cooperate with food and drug regulations

4 years ago

The Guyana Manufacturing and Service Association is urging local businesses to adhere to the regulations of the Government Analyst, Food and Drug Department.

The Association in a press statement on Tuesday said it was concerned with recent attempts to import food, drugs and cosmetics into the country, circumventing applicable Food and Drug regulations, with particular reference to labeling and shelf-life.

The advocacy body for businesses in Guyana said consuming or applying expired food, drugs and cosmetics and inappropriately using insufficiently labeled or mislabeled items can make the item ineffective or be dangerous or even lethal in the worst case.

The Manufacturing Association said considering increased economic activity and opportunities in Guyana due to the country now being an oil and gas producer, and the associated increased movement of people with their accompanying requirement, preferences and expectations, the role of the food and drug department becomes more critical to ensure the safety and effectiveness of food, drugs and cosmetics used in the country.

The body said the food and drug department was fulfilling its mandate in enforcing the regulations. The body said in light of this, it was calling on all importers and their agents to desist from seeking to apply pressure to the food and drug department, including through social media and other means to bypass these regulations. The body also said it was discouraging interference in the work of the department which has to be independent and must remain focused on its mandate to execute same with integrity.

Further it urged that the food and drug department be upgraded with the necessary resources, including suitable administrative and testing facilities, to implement relevant upgraded regulations.



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