Region’s high food import bill which is estimated at more than US$4B per annum is of concern to Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali – Royston Drakes Production
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Region’s high food import bill which is estimated at more than US$4B per annum is of concern to Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali

4 years ago

The president made the remarks while addressing the Caricom Regional Food Systems Dialogue. He noted that the Caribbean’s high dependence on food imports leaves it vulnerable to external shocks caused by sudden spikes in food commodity prices.

The Caribbean must aim at becoming more food secure. This exercise must be sustained and must involve increased production of foods consumed within the Region. But it must also entail increased intra-regional trade in agricultural commodities. The dismantling of barriers to the trade in agricultural commodities will enhance regional food security.

If the Region is to become more food secure, it has to begin to source more of its food needs from within the Caribbean, and this will require the removal of unnecessary non-tariff barriers to intra-regional trade.

The Region is not short of solutions for improving food security.  These solutions are to be found in proposals, reports, studies and regional strategies.



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